Tim & Jen's Recipe Book

Beetroot Risotto


A colorful and flavorful risotto made with beetroot.


Equipment Needed

Preparation Time


Serves 2 adults and 1 small portion


  1. Chop the onion into small pieces.
  2. In a large pan, fry the chopped onion in some oil and butter until translucent (about 8-10 minutes).
  3. Add all the rice to the pan and stir well, coating it with the oil.
  4. If using, add a glass of white wine and stir until absorbed.
  5. Add half a cup of boiling water and a stock pot to the pan.
  6. Stir well, encouraging the stock pot to dissolve. Don't let it stick to the bottom of the pan.
  7. Continue adding water and stirring as the rice absorbs the liquid. The whole cooking process will take about 15-18 minutes from when you start adding water to the rice.
  8. After about 10 minutes of cooking, add the first lot of grated beetroot and all its juice.
  9. Continue cooking and stirring, adding more water as needed.
  10. Towards the end of the cooking time, add the second lot of grated beetroot.
  11. The risotto is done when the rice is pretty soft, but not completely mushy.
  12. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  13. Serve with sour cream and goat cheese on top.
